Douglas County Historical Society’s (DCHS) annual commemoration of the story of Ponca Chief Standing Bear will take place on Friday, May 12, 2017 at the General Crook House Museum.
The theme for this year’s commemoration is The First Nebraskans and seeks to educate event goers by providing take-away brochures depicting brief histories of the tribes that have, at one time or another, called Nebraska home.
Every year DCHS revisits the story of Standing Bear in commemoration of the historic court case Standing Bear v. Crook. The landmark 1879 case took place in Omaha and established that Native Americans are “persons within the meaning of the law” and have the right of habeas corpus.
The free public event will start at the General Crook House Museum at 5:30 p.m. and feature a performance by the Many Moccasins Dance Troupe, tastings of Wajapi – a Native American dish, and free admission of the General Crook House Museum.
The event is free and open to the public, to learn more please visit RSVP please call DCHS at 402-455-9990, ext. 101 or email at
Douglas County Historical Society’s mission is to preserve and enliven historical insight in Douglas County Nebraska. Please visit our website to learn about the Society’s programs, services, and other upcoming events.