Genealogy Resources
DCHS has a number of resources that can assist you in your genealogical research.
Currently, all research requests are on hold until further notice.
Thank you for your patience!
Let us help you research your family history!
Birth Records
City of Omaha records on microfilm and in registers
City of South Omaha registers
Death Records
City of Omaha records on microfilm and in registers
City of South Omaha registers
Marriage Records
Douglas County
Indexed by name of both husband and wife, 1856-1932
Certificates from 1856–1912
Naturalization Records
Douglas County
Declarations of Intention, 1867–1964
More than 45,000 records
Petitions for Citizenship, 1881–1936
Approximately 8,000 records
City Directories
Hardbound, 1866–1891, 1900–current
Microfilm, 1874–1942