Find the perfect gift for your favorite history buff. Browse our collection of books, and souvenirs. All are available to purchase online, and to bring history home with you.
22nd US Infantry Band at Fort Crook
$10.00 -
24th and Glory
$24.95 -
A Frontier Army Christmas
$12.95 -
A Journey with Seymour
$5.00 -
Above All Others on a Stream: Legends, Folklore, Tidbits of Omaha History
$15.00 -
Benson Boosters
$10.00 -
Dixie Creme Donuts
$10.00 -
Do Butterflies Have Ears? …And Other Family Lore
$19.95 -
Downtown Omaha, 16th and Farnam
$10.00 -
E Pluribus Omaha: Immigrants All
$10.00 -
Firestone Auto Supply
$10.00 -
First Telegraph Line across the Continent
$14.95 -
From Dugout to Mansion
$8.95 -
Historic Omaha: An Illustrated History of Omaha and Douglas County
$29.95 -
Mysteries, Myths & Memories From Our Last 220 Years
$24.95 -
Omaha: The Prairie Blossoms
$18.00 -
On the Border with Crook
$22.95 -
Over the River and Through the Woods Again: A Collection of Recipes, Remembrances and Memorabilia
$10.00 -
Paper Medicine Man: John Gregory Bourke and His American West
$17.95 -
River City Empire: Tom Dennison’s Omaha
$24.95 -
Romancing the Blatt: Memoir of a Love Affair with Omaha’s Field of Dreams
$17.99 -
Rosebud: June 17, 1876
$35.00 -
Rudder, Stick and Throttle: Research and Reminiscences on Flying in Nebraska
$25.00 -
Rulo to Lynch with Lewis and Clark: A Guide and Narrative
$9.95 -
Senior/Student/Military Membership
$30.00 -
Standing Bear’s Quest For Freedom
$19.95 -
Sunbathing at Peony Park
$10.00 -
Tarzan Escapes at the Omaha Theater
$10.00 -
The Adventures of Moccasin Joe
$19.95 -
The Bride Wore Red at the Omaha Theater
$10.00 -
The Lewis and Clark Journals
$29.95 -
The Mormon Trail Revisited
$24.95 -
Their Man in Omaha: The Barker Collection, 1869-1876
$24.99 -
Their Man in Omaha: Volume I of the Barker Collection, 1860-1868