Gift Shop

Visit our General Crook House Museum gift shop for memorabilia, selective prints from the Douglas County Historical Society archives, classic literature along with historical books published by DCHS and more.
In the gift shop you can pick up books, mugs, postcards, magnets and more.
A few of the many books that we offer are:

E Pluribus Omaha: Immigrants All
by Harry B. Otis and Donald H. Erickson

This examination of ethnic groups that immigrated to Omaha reveals the rich and continuing heritage that has shaped Nebraska’s largest community.

Over the River and Through the Woods Again: A Collection of Recipes, Remembrances and Memorabilia
Douglas County Historical Society

Part history book and part cookbook, Over the River and Through the Woods Again features recipes and vignettes about early Omahans, along with tidbits of trivia.

A Dirty, Wicked Town: Tales of 19th Century Omaha
by David L. Bristow

Though it reads like fiction, A Dirty, Wicked Town tells the true story of Omaha’s formative years and its less-than-sterling reputation. While it devotes space to the trial of Standing Bear, it also includes chapters on the harlots of Omaha and the lynching of George Smith.

Historic Omaha: An Illustrated History of Omaha and Douglas County
by Bob, Hugh and Pegeen Reilly

This coffee-table book encapsulates the history of Omaha and Douglas County. It is paired with unique photographs from the Douglas County Historical Society collections. The book includes profiles of some of the region’s historic businesses and organizations.

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