Make Norway’s best creamed rice! A rich and delicious Christmas dessert with classic red berry sauce. This dessert is on the dessert table for almost half of Norway’s population on Christmas Eve.


Rice Cream:
1 1/4 cup heavy whipping cream
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla sugar
1 2/3 cup prepared rice porridge
1/4 cup almonds, scalded

Red Sauce:
7 ounces red fruit juice (ideally blackcurrant or raspberry)
10 ounces water
1 tablespoon potato flour
2 tablespoons water

Berry Sauce:
3 1/3 ounces water
1/2 cup sugar
2 cups raspberries


Prepare the Rice Cream:

Whip cream, sugar, and vanilla sugar until fluffy. Mix in cold rice porridge and garnish with chopped almonds.

Prepare the Red Sauce:

Bring red juice and water to a rapid boil in a saucepan.

On the side, stir potato flour into cold water. Add the potato flour mixture to the boiling juice in a thin stream while stirring.

When the sauce boils, remove from heat and set aside. If the sauce is left to boil, it becomes gray and chewy. Set aside to cool.

Prepare the Berry Sauce:

Bring water to a boil and add sugar. Stir until the sugar has dissolved.

Blend red berries in a fast mixer or food processor and whisk it into the cooled red sauce. Dilute with the sugar water until you have the desired sweetness and taste. The sauce can be strained or used as is.

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